Thursday, April 23, 2009


Interview with:
Elizabeth J Van Amelsvoort


What did you first read? How did you begin to write? Who were the first to read what you wrote?

Thinking back, I think the very first book I can recall reading, was Romona Quimby by Beverly Cleary. I actually read her entire series, they were some my favourite books growing up.
I began to write when I was around ten years old. I started with short stories and poetry and had pen pals from across the world, I enjoyed writing to weekly. I however, never got really serious about my writing, until the age of 21, when I started writing down story ideas and making rough drafts. Following that I began working on my first book THE CRYSTAL STEP. I think the first people to read my work, were my closest friends and some family.

What is your favorite genre? Can you provide a link to a site where we can read some of your work or learn something about it?

I prefer, young adult and children's fiction over any other genre. Children are our future and keeping them interested in reading is a key eliment in how successful today's youth will be in the future.

What is your creative process like? What happens before sitting down to write?

Before I sit down to write, I need to have a good story line in my head and a rough story line jotted down on paper. Once I have put all of these ideas together, I can sit down and begin to write the first draft of the story. It sometimes takes two or three re-writes of a piece before I am completely satisfied, but using my notes and ideas I have made throughout the process I am able to put it all together.

What type of reading inspires you to write?

The type of reading, that most inspires me to write. Is stories that are fiction, yet true to life. Stories that have some kind of meaning behind them, stories with written truths of events that happen in our everyday lives. I find stories that people can relate to, make you think or even help with issues you may be dealing with in your own life, are the best kind.

What do you think are the basic ingredients of a story?

For me, the basic ingredients to a story, in my case a children's story. Are setting a good scene and believable characters. Even in a fiction story, creating characters that are believable or can tap into a child's imagination are important.
A good story line a plot and a good conclusion are also all very important keys.

What voice do you find most to your liking: first person or third person?

I find that the voice I use most in my writing, is that of the the third person, but more of a third person unrestricted omniscient. Describing into depth, the thoughts and feelings, felt but each character in the story and giving a more descriptive telling of the events surrounding them.

What well known writers do you admire most?

Some of the writers I most admire or have been a great inspiration to me over the years are. Beverly Cleary, Danielle Steel, Jackie Collins, Robert Munsch, Stan and Jan Berenstain, Paulette Bourgeois and more recently Stephanie Meyer.

Are you equally good at telling stories orally?

Actually no I'm not. I am a lot better at putting a story down on paper, then creating one orally.

Deep down inside, who do you write for?

To answer this question honestly, I write for myself. Writing is something I have always enjoyed and my biggest dream in life, was to see my work published and shared with the world. For me, it's not so much becoming a number one selling Author, or being known by the world. It's more following a dream, never knowing what is on the other side and enjoying every moment of getting there.

Is writing a form of personal therapy? Are internal conflicts a creative force?

When it comes to my poetry, yes. I find when I am going through a rough patch, or have some issues to work through. Writing Poetry is the best therapy for me and some of my best poetry, has been written after personal experiences.

Does reader feed-back help you?

Of course, hearing from your readers, helps you to be a better writer.

Do you participate in competitions? Have you received any awards?

I have not recently participated in any competitions, but have in the past. Back in 1996 I participated in a writing for children competition with my first Children's story and series idea INSPECTOR CLAUS AND THE CASE OF THE MISSING TOY and recieved my first literary award. I also took part in several poetry and short prose competitions between 1996 and 1999 and won two poetry awards, for Angels Among Us and Tiny Finger Prints.

Do you share rough drafts of your writings with someone whose opinion you trust?

Only with those closest to me. When I have an idea for a story, I run it by my closest friends and family and get their feedback and opinions on the idea.

Do you believe you have already found "your voice" or is that something one is always searching for?

Yes I do, when I first began writing, I found it difficult to choose one voice and stick to it. I found myself bobbing between first and third person at times which made it hard to differentiate. Now however I am able to choose one voice and stick to it throughout a piece.

What do you surround yourself with in your work area in order to help your concentrate?

To be honest, I don't really need anything in particular to surround me when working to help me concentrate. I do however need music, some writers find it odd, being most perfer total quiet to work. I however need my music, from the moment I begin writing until I have completed a piece, I have music playing along side me. Music is another great love of mine and I find listening to the songs I love most, helps me to do my best work.

Do you write on a computer? Do you print frequently? Do you correct on paper? What is your process?

Yes I use a computer to write, I do however always have a note pad handy for jotting down ideas as they come to me and I do all my corrections on paper. I find it easier to notice errors, when looking at a written piece on paper, rather then on a computer screen.

What are you working on now?

I am currently working on a brand new series for Children. I prefer not to get into detail on what this series is about. I am however very excited about it and hope to have the first edition in publication in the next couple of months.

© Elizabeth J Van Amelsvoort
Web address for this interview:

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