Monday, April 13, 2009


This morning April 13, 2009 I was interviewed online by Gwen Allison from the University of Toronto, for her journalism class and given the interview transcript to post here on my blog.
I want to thank Gwen and I wish her all the best with her project.

Transcript from my Interview April 13, 2009
Interviewer Gwen Allison (University of Toronto)

Q- You’re from London Ontario Canada, have you always been a Londoner?

A- Yes I was born and raised in London

Q- How long have you been writing?

A- I’ve been writing my entire life. Growing up, I had pen pals all over the world I wrote to and loved writing articles in school ECT. I never got really serious about my writing though until 1993 and I’ve been writing steady ever since.

Q- Was writing always something you wanted you do?

A- Yes, always loved to write. I started with poems and small articles and then moved on to writing children’s stories and continued from there.

Q- Is there any other writing field you hope to give a try at some point in your career?

A- Actually yes, I hope to some day work with someone and do some song writing. I’ve always loved music as well, in fact I can not write without listening to music. Music always helps me focus. Some people find it odd, a lot of writers need silence to write, but I however need my music.

Q- There was a lot of interest in your young adult novel The Crystal Step and you were highly commended for your willingness to address “real” issues that teens of today face. Were there any doubts in your mind about writing of these issues before the books publication?

A- No there was never a doubt in my mind. I do not believe in hiding the truth from kids, teens especially. Too many kids today think they are unbreakable and they do what they want with no consequences. I feel they need to see the “real picture” and understand that everything we do in our lives has its consequences. Good or bad, everything that happens in life there is a result to.

Q- Your Sweet Sixteen Series came out in 2003; will there be more editions to this series in the future?

A- Yes, I actually have the 4th edition “I want to fit in” written and I am currently working on the editing and re-writing to get it out in 2010 "I want to fit in" goes more into depth on the problems kids face, then the issues in "The Crystal Step" and shows the lengths some kids will go to, just to fit in to the "cool" crowds in school and how peer pressure truly effects them.

Q- What about your children’s series “Inspector Claus”

A- The second edition for this series will be out sometime this summer. Inspector Claus and the case of the crystal snowflake is ready and currently in the layout process.

Q- Do you have any new series ideas for the future?

A- I am currently working on a brand new series. I prefer not to give details on this series at this time, but the first edition will be out later this year.

Q- Aside from your new release “Wally Waddles” what other books can we expect to see released in 2009?

A- Watch me grow is set to be released around May 8th of this year, the second edition of Inspector Claus in July or August. The first edition of my new series hopefully by late June and before the fall, My puppy and me will be released.

Q- The big question, many writers and Authors find you to be a great inspiration to them. Being a mother of 9 children and still finding the time to write and balance everything you do with charities, public events, magazines and promotion and even through it all, still keep things “real” Do you find it difficult to keep things in order and keep up with it all?

A- Well to be completely honest, yes some days can be very trying. There just never seems to be enough hours in a day. I do however balance it all and get things done. I’ve always been someone who sticks to my guns. When I want something done, I get it done. Some days can be harder then others and sometimes stressful, but when you really want something, you put your mind to it and push forward, regardless of any obstacles. The work I do has allowed me to remain a stay at home mom with my children since my first was born in 1989. Being home with my children was something I always wanted. I wanted to be there for everything and yet still continue with my career. I admit that some days I needed eyes in the back of my head and still do but it’s all worth it. I do keep a fairly tight schedule, but I do my best to keep it all organized.

Q- Your online blog, addressed your feelings on the way writing for teens in today’s world are handled. Do feel that more writers should consider writing of “truths” when in comes to our young adults?

A- Yes I stand behind my thoughts on that 100%, children need to know the real issues and sugar coating everything and making life seem perfect is not how children learn. They need to know the truth in order to become mature and upstanding adults. If we make everything in life fictional, how do children learn reality? They need to hear the truth once in a while and they need to see that not everything in life is a game or fantasy.

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